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Mineral water blow molding machine daily maintenance specifications and precautions

The maintenance of the mineral water blow molding machine is to prevent the occurrence of low-level faults of the blow molding machine in advance, and to inspect and maintain the parts and other aspects of the equipment.


The maintenance of the mineral water blow molding machine is to prevent the occurrence of low-level faults of the blow molding machine in advance, and to inspect and maintain the parts and other aspects of the equipment. The common maintenance is daily maintenance and half-year maintenance once a year. After the maintenance of the blow molding machine, the normal operation of the machine is ensured, and the service life of the blow molding machine equipment is extended. The specific maintenance content and precautions are described in detail by the blow molding machine manufacturer below.
Mineral water blow molding machine daily maintenance specifications and precautions
1. Before starting the blow molding machine equipment, check whether the moving parts are firm, whether the screws are loose or loose, especially in the center with strong impact force, and whether the belt drive is partially abnormal.
2. Check whether the high-pressure air source, low-pressure air source, power supply and water source are normal.
3. Check whether the emergency stop switches, safety door switches, and maintenance and installation detection switches are normal.
4. Check whether the heating head enters the embryo and whether the partial work of the embryo drop is normal. If the inserting embryo is not in place, the pressure embryo mounting nut can be adjusted.
5. Check whether the lamp tube is damaged or broken. To be replaced in time.
6. Check whether each pneumatic component is leaking and whether the action is flexible.
7. The mold of the blow molding machine must be cleaned and polished regularly.
8. When turning on the upper and lower pressure air source switch, it must act slowly to prevent the air source from flowing too fast and dirt blowing into the solenoid valve. At the same time, open the exhaust valve for 30 seconds to ensure that the air is clean.
9. When the blow molding machine is running, it is necessary to pay close attention to whether the machine has abnormal noise. It is necessary to detect it early and stop it in time for early treatment.
10. In case of emergency, you can press the emergency stop button to brake in an emergency. Then analyze the reasons for the composition according to the on-site situation, find the problem and deal with it quickly.
11. After normal operation, do not put any part of the body into the machine to avoid injury by the manipulator. If the machine has abnormal noise, it can be stopped to check after slowing down.
12. After normal production, the operator must check the quality of the bottle frequently to avoid voltage fluctuation or other reasons affecting the quality of the blowing bottle.
13. During maintenance, you can press the touch screen fault maintenance button to ensure safe maintenance. If you need to manually observe the movement of each cavity, please pay attention to the position of the manipulator. At the same time, be sure to clearly distinguish the role of the individual buttons, and then the action. make sure
Mistakes cause unnecessary trouble.
14. After each repair, the tools and screws must be cleaned up and left in the machine later, which will affect the normal operation of the machine.

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